Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012

High And Low

Remember what we said about raising kids? A diet of strictly good movies and fine literature as opposed to that childish garbage that is being pushed out these days. Well we are gonna have to get our kids reading early if we want that plan to succeed. A lot of those "classics" require subtitles.

High and Low will definitely be one of those classics for me. Akira Kurosawa (Roshomon, Seven Samurai, Hidden Fortress) obviously has a knack for these classic movies. The whole thing was beautifully shot (the scenes in the living room especially are a testament to the potential beauty of black and white films) contains compelling characters and the storyline is just generally engrossing.

Toshiro Mifune (Samurai Trilogy, every samurai movie ever) plays an executive at a successful shoe company. Just as he plans to make an expensive and risky power play to take over the company he discovers his chauffeur's son is kidnapped and he is expected to pay the ransom.

I guess what interested me most initially was the fact that this was set in contemporary times. Both Kurosawa and Mifune have made such distinct marks in the imperial Japanese setting that it is almost impossible to imagine them doing something modern (and in the case of Mifune it is hard to imagine him existing in any other time period what so ever) But they pull it off seamlessly. Next opportunity you have you should watch this film.