Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Outer Bounds

A graph commonly used to show just how bad things still are.

        So this article isn't anything special in terms of writing style, but pretty soon this budget deal is going to be a big issue and this lays down the essentials. Give it a read, no need to comment though if you don't have time. I'm sure in the coming weeks there will be a longer more thoughtful piece on the same issue that I will want to show you. Also if you have time, and you aren't already feeling too enraged, read this. Republicans won't consider revenue, even coming from people who have seen their wealth skyrocket. It's just ludicrous.

Anyways, here's the article: Democrat's First Offer: Up to $3 Trillion for Debt

1 comment:

  1. I have an awful feeling in my stomach. It seems like chances are the Democrats are going to have to settle with the 1.2 to 1.5 trillion plan just to get this thing out the door. It seems pretty obvious that if that were the case then this thing will just rear its head once again in few years. What I don't understand is why the Dems aren't putting more pressure on the Republicans here because they seem to have the most reservations/most to lose. The Republicans refuse to accept a plan that involves revenue via tax increases (even when it is just applied to the fabulously wealthy) From the reading you gave me, it seems like the ultimate deadline is January 2013 when cuts will have to be applied to the military. The article says that the people with the most vested interest in stopping these cuts is the Republicans. It seems like they are between a rock and a hard place, on one end with the Democrats pushing for tax increases to solve the issue and the ultimate deadline of January 2013 when cuts to the military will be made.It seems like the Democrats best option would just to be firm with their stance on tax increases and let the Republicans decide which of their two evils they want to choose from.

    Now, this may be wrong for a few reasons and these are the ones you are going to have to fill me in on. There is the chance that the civil services that are included in these cuts would cause the country to be in worse shape than it already is. I guess that depends on the specific services that would be cut but in that case neither party would want that outcome which would probably push more towards a (useless) compromise/settlement. There is the possibility that the Republicans could weasel their way out of the January 2013 obligation all together. I don't know the specifics of these political deadlines but it doesn't seem unfair to think that somehow Republicans could squeeze through a loophole, especially if the President at the time is from their party. Again, there is also the chance that maybe the country really couldn't survive as it is all the way until 2013. These are the possible questions I need you to answer for me.

    One final question I have for you, Galen, is why is it that the whole (majority) of the Republican so staunch in defending the top 1%. Even if the 1% is made up of Republicans their minority should be canceled out for the desperate situation the nation. Is their influence really that powerful or is the party just so stubbornly set in the mindset of anti-taxation and keeping the money you earned away from your government that they are willing to see the whole nation suffer for the sake of the privileged few?
