Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Best Of...

As December moves forward the season of "best of" lists is pretty much upon us. Every person wants to make their voice heard on what they thought was the cream of the crop for the year 2011. You may be thinking, "Wait! There are still things left to come out in the end of December! That is still part of 2011!" Well too bad. December releases are often subjugated to a nether realm of unappreciation due to their ill timed arrival. One of the most prevalent best of topics is music. December is often filled with the sound of thousands of people fastidiously scouring their itunes library in search of music worthy of their lists. Without further ado I shall give you my top ten songs and top ten albums of 2011.

Top 10 Songs of 2011

1.) I'm Losing Myself - Robin Pecknold 

2.) The Daily Mail - Radiohead

3.) Death Major - 13 & God

4.) This Isn't a Good Night for Walking - Arches 

5.) California - EMA

6.) You're Blessed - Iceage

7.) Glass Jar - Gang Gang Dance

8.) Wrong Feels Right - Dum Dum Girls

9.) Magic Was Ruler - Bullion

10.) Honey Bunny - Girls

Top 5 Albums of 2011

1.) David Comes to Life - Fucked Up

2.) Black Up - Shabazz Palaces 

3.) James Blake - James Blake

4.) Wounded Rhymes - Lykke Li

5.) Father, Son, and Holy Ghost - Girls

Give some of the songs a listen (especially some of the top ones) and let me know what you think. Obviously it is much more of an undertaking to swallow entire albums but if you are interested just let me know and they can be arranged too. Considering the state of your music library it may be the right time for such tasks. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. So I wrote a blurb for each piece and then when I went to post it, blogger said something about "profile not logged in" and it was all lost. A little frustrating, but I'm going to try and quickly summarize my thoughts again below.

    Songs I Loved:
    Magic Was Ruler: The beat in the background made this song for me. When the trumpet first came in towards the beginning it gives the song so much energy. My favorite to listen to.
    This Isn't A Good Night For Walking: I thought this was the most "beautiful" song. You used that word once and I think in this case it captures his solemn voice and that rainy intro.
    I'm Losing Myself: Songs like this make me think I really need to start listening to folk. The elegant but simple instrumental support blends really well with his voice.

    Songs I Really Liked:
    Honey Bunny: I like the voice of the lead singer for Girls. And this songs reminds me of the Beach Boys, whom I've been listening to a good deal recently.
    Wrong Feels Right: I didn't like it as much as Coming Down, but still a really good song.

    Song I Liked:
    In fairness, this song has grown on me every time I've listened to it. I'm grabbed by the beginning but I feel like it keeps building to something that never comes. Its like that LCD Soundsystem song except that one drops and its awesome and this one never drops. It kills me how it never just explodes at some point.

    And the rest:
    Glass Jar: I must be missing something on this song. Perhaps some musical taste bud is still developing. At 6:18 I like what comes on, but till then I'm kind of twiddling my thumbs.
    You're Blessed: This is what I always imagined the Clash sounded like (I'm probably horribly wrong). Good song, but for me it doesn't deserve to be in the upper tiers.
    The Daily Mail: I always appreciate when piano is presented so simply, just some rough chord sequences. But other than that, I guess I'm just not a Radiohead guy.
    Death Major: Someday. Someday I may like this type of music. There was a time when I couldn't imagine liking folk, so I won't rule anything out. That time hasn't come though.

  3. Note: Under "Song I Liked" it should read "California". Perhaps you could have inferred that from my description though.
