Saturday, December 10, 2011

Forked Road

So after reading your blurbs on the Best Of list (which I thoroughly enjoyed by the way) I have decided to give you a choice for your next listening. Since we have done so many tracks lately I want to make it a full album listen too.

The Wild Hunt - The Tallest Man on Earth - The Wild Hunt

Cruel - St. Vincent - Strange Mercy

Let me start by saying both of these albums deserve your full attention and I hope after the one you choose you will give the other a listen too.

The Tallest Man on Earth is often credited as being the (Norwegian) second coming of Bob Dylan and when you first listen you will notice that his voice is almost disturbingly similar. It shouldn't take long for you to see just how different these artists are. While Dylan is inherently cynical in his music there is always an upbeat tinge to Tallest Man even in his most melancholic songs. While Dylan often used his music as a means to speak his mind about real world events The Tallest Man on Earth seems more comfortable with almost sculpting his own fantasy world form his music and turning a blind eye to the real world completely. In any event you mentioned your interest in wanting to listen to more folk and unfortunately I am the wrong guy to turn to for that. Generally I abhor folk music and "I'm Losing Myself" happens to be so damn wonderful that I almost don't consider it folk in my mind. Anyways, Tallest Man certainly has some folkish elements in his music and I think you might appreciate that.

St. Vincent is a little trickier of a recommendation. I have listened The Wild Hunt into the ground since its release in 2010 but Strange Mercy just came out last September and even then I have not given it the musical attention it deserves. When I listen to this album it feels like something I have never heard (thats not to say she is starting a new musical genre just that her songs sound unique) but at the same time the whole album has this aura of familiarity. It is as if I have been waiting for this music my whole life. That might sound a little extreme but I don't know how else to put it. This album is a weirdly perfect compliment to my life and I think you might be able to find the same feeling.

So listen to the two tracks I posted above and let me know which album you want to jump on.

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